
New album almost finished with Stuart Hollinger, classicrockdeepsoulfulrealmusic!

Working on new tracks for a collaboration with Peter Friestedt and the legendary Bill Champlin.

Did a demo for the new RHODES V8 Pro Plug-In, this things sits really well in a track, (I have a 1973 73 Suitcase and it comes super close!).

Just picked up the Roland Boutique series SH01A, mostly to use as a bass live. Sounds close to my 1980 SH101, the micro usb port is a pain in the ass.

local gigs don’t pay enough for a bassist But at least I don’t have to worry about the chords.😎

Trying to finish up this batch of “michael ruff” songs that have waiting for their day to come. Wish I had a record company to promote this stuff..I am what you might call: anti-social media.

Some new John Cruz music for the upcoming movie “Hawaiian Heart”.

A few very strong and soulful tracks for Brother Noland! Movie project “Too Much Life”. Kauai Made Films, some great 80’s covers and cool originals, featuring Sydney Adudong and Olivia Ruff.

New worship music from Jason and Malia Kerr

Always something in the mix with my friend Bobby Parrs, who lives in Thailand. (Bobby’s backing Tracks). He is a wonderful guitarist, composer and producer.


Europe Tour